Well that leads me to today! On Sunday, during the last mile of the race, Texas FALL blew in! Our temps have dropped and now our blistering days are hopefully GONE and the weather is just PERFECT! I took 48hrs off, but yesterday I got my first post race run in. Felt pretty good...ran a little, walked a little, ran a little, etc. Today rolls around and I thought I would run a quick 2.5-3miles (just too pretty outside to NOT run). But boy, my legs are TIRED! I now believe running after a race is the hardest part of running half marathons!!! UGHH!!!
I plan on getting boot camp in tomorrow and hope to have a few more run/walk workouts the remainder of this week! I think I will save my bigger, longer runs until next week....maybe even the week after!!!! COS MOMMA BE TIRED NOW!! ----like my picture:-)
But, I won't lie---I have been looking for a full marathon race for late Spring 2011 or Early Fall 2011. Not sure I can really do it, but hey----can't hurt to look and see if it is possible??? Unthinkable and unreachable is always possible!!!
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