Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Got to Love Kids.....

This is just a glimpse of the comedy we get from day to day in my house........


Kathy said...

I couldn't get the sound to work, but it was hilarious just to watch it. I could see his dilemma, and it was so funny. Oh, kids are awesome. Don't you wish you could save up all of this fun and joy!

Valerie Chamberlain said...

I love it! That cracks me up :o)

Shelly@Sweet Journey said...

Mandy, I'm working with Sharon and Laurie at Mom and Loving it. Sharon sent me your funny video and I'm about to try to put it on our blog (or at least post a link). Anyway, as I was looking at your blog, I wondered if you are the Mandy that went to MOPS in Sherman about 7 years ago. Maybe we were discussion group buddies because we were both going to have babies that year? Small world isn't it!