But boy, has it been tiring!!! LOL! I know my trash man is not going to like us tomorrow when we pull out the trash cans. I think we have 4 trash cans and they are all full not to mention the spill overs!!! Todd and I have cleaned in places that have never been cleaned in the 9 years we have been in this house! Talk about some serious dust mites! LOL! Not to mention Todd is a PACKRAT! I think my husband is now convinced that we shouldn't save everything!
Oh...got to share this too. Not only did Gabe start still this week....but he lost his first tooth!!! My O My! He is getting too big too quick! He actually bit into a nacho from Taco Bell and the tooth snapped (it was already a bit loose). He was a little freaked out thinking he broke his tooth, but then we explained that he was now a big boy and the tooth fairy would soon be arriving. That is all we had to say and by our next stop....ACADEMY, he had that tooth completely out!

So what is on the agenda this week...
1) Meetings, Meetings, and more Meetings from now until Wednesday evening
2) Lesson Plans and prep for while I am out
3) Lots of packing for my trip with my hubby this weekend.
4) Packing and preparing my mom and dad a little list of things to know since they will be watching my three rugrats!
5) Hopefully getting the gameroom complete!!!
6) School-Classroom Meetings
7) Shopping and Lunch with my mom
8) Subbing for a Jr. High Math class
9) Soccer practices
10)A few home cooked meals with the family around the table!
So got one week down but another busy week ahead! But I am looking forward to it all!!!
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