Monday, August 24, 2009

All Three Kids Went To School Today

Today was the first day of school for Gunter ISD. This year, I have 3 kids attending Gunter Elementary. And this will be the last year I will have all 3 in elementary school, as well. Addison started 4th grade, Zander started 2nd, and Gabe started Kindergarten.
Now if you have been reading my blog, you would know that this was not the first year that all of my kids have been in school. However,in prior years, I have had the younger ones (ones not school aged) going to preschool at the private school I used to teach for. But that was the catch. I was working for the private school...even last year I worked for Gabe's school part time, helping by running the reading lab!
But this morning, was bitter sweet. We all woke up a the same time and drove just a half a mile away, all to be dropped off at the SAME school. Yes, today I was like most moms.... I actually skipped carline drop off and chose to walk my kids into their classrooms for the first day. We dropped Addie off first, then Zander, and then it was time to walk Gabe to his classroom. He was so excited but I wanted to cry! I was finally sending ALL MY BABIES to school! This was a milestone but yet almost unbelievable! Was it really time yet?? But I didn't cry!!! He was so darn cute....
So what makes this so bitter sweet! Well, after I dropped them off, I came back home and found my life again! LOL!!! Just kidding! But boy it was nice and quiet at home. No rush to get somewhere or be somewhere. I came home to a quiet, peaceful house. I turned on my music and went to work getting a few house chores done. Had some quiet time to read a bit of the Bible, and then headed out to work around 9:30. I worked until about 2:00 and then got home to relax, had a bite to eat (IN PEACE and NOT HAVING TO SHARE) and even had time to make my kids a nice snack to come home to.
This is some good stuff!!! I think I am going to get used to this kind of life!!!! WHEW WHOOO!

Well off to take some kids to soccer practice. Let the fun begin!


Sandy said...

Oh Mandy, I really enjoyed reading this. We have a picture on our dresser, very similar to yours, that Josh doesn't like so much, but we like it. Josh was in 5th grade, Kalyn in 1st, and Jase was just going to a babysitter, but he had his backpack, too. Enjoy your time alone, your slower pace, and your time with them!

Keelie said...

Hope they all had as good a day as you did! ;)