I am a little late but still wanted to blog about MOTHERHOOD! Having a wonderful mother and being a mom are two blessings that I don't take for granted!
When I think of my mom (Theresa Kay Hudgins Lewis) I think of.........
1) all the many "good" talks my girlfriends and I had everyday after school with her while we raided her kitchen.
2) her yummy good cooking abilities.
3) her need and her availability to always want to help others.
4) when I turned 9 years old she did a funny dance in the middle of the road that I will never forget!!! HA! HA!
5) her youth..... She doesn't seem to age to me, but neither does my Grandmother!
6) her determination to finish anything she starts
7) cleanliness at all cost:-)
8) her labor on her flowerbeds, yardwork, and her garden
9) her singing old country songs while cleaning the house with the windows open
10)endless hours of conversations on the phone with Aunt Patricia or her sisters
11) summer days with her and her sisters and my cousins at my Grandmother's pool.
12) her fear of traffic or crowded streets
13) her ability to whistle so very loud that you could hear her on the GUNTER DRAG;-)
14) her joy of taking care of my own children if I am out of town!
15) when she takes care of me when I am sick!!!
When I think of being a mom.....
1) I think of my kids giggling at each other in a crowded car or shopping buggy
2) I think of the sweetness of their hugs they give out of nowhere
3) I think of how they get excited if I visit their school
4) I think of the messes they make in the bathroom
5) I think of our FAMILY NIGHTS we have when we play games
6) I think of FAMILY SLEEPOVERS we have ever so often in mine and Todd's bedroom!
7) I think of our family camping trips
8) I think of the prayers we say on the way to school each morning
9) I think of our yard that is full of neighborhood kids
10) I think of our many road trips to California
11) I think of time spent riding bikes and swimming together
12) I think of our silly songs we try to make up
13) I think of the quiet times we spent in a room just hanging out
14) I think of all the ball practices I spend watching my boys practice or play ball
15) I think of Jesus....and how much he must love me to let me raise his 3 children for him!
Motherhood is a blessing ;-)