Sparing you the details of how important sports are in this little town, I will let you know that youth sports are a big deal here in Gunter. It's crazy! We have been blessed to have a house full of athletes but we are Christians before we are athletes. So Todd and I were wanting to be sure we were using our "sports" in a way that God was glorified. And in a way that the kids would grow in a deeper relationship with God and be a Christlike example---and that is for ME (the mom and the coach) too.

This little booklet was a simple read and nothing really caught me off guard, but it did give me little nuggets of wisdom to live out as a coach and parent of an athlete. These little nuggets made for a very successful basketball season for the boys I had the privilege to coach and teach.
Amazing what the power of prayer can do for a little 3rd/4th grade boys basketball team. How? 1) I prayed several times to God to help me "draft" the boys He wanted me to draft and for me to be the best coach designed for that child at this time in their life. 2) Our team prayed before each game (and yes, we circled up and did it "Te-bow" style-HAHA). 3) And letting God grow them through practices, fun and games, and play.....and then seeing and verbally recognizing there Godly characteristics that they let shine through the game of basketball.
It was the best basketball team I have ever been a part of! It was pure fun! It was lots of work! Lots of hustle! Lots of running:-) Lots of king of the court and lots of laughter too! It was hard to see the season end and I miss this team badly!
May God continue to bless this undefeated team of CHAMPS!!!
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